What Is… Monster Hunter World
Picture taken from Reddit by
user u/Rynask
Monster Hunter
World is an action role playing game developed by Capcom and published in early
2018 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and Q3 2018 on PC. The game is the fifth
entry of the main series and is the first major series to enter the three main
platforms of video games, the PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game’s plot revolves
around a large group of hunters who encounters a strange behavior of a massive
monster leading them on an adventure to discover the cause. Today, Monster
Hunter has become a successful franchise for Capcom and has established a large
amount of fan across the world, releasing merchandises and making the game’s
iconic monsters to appear in other games (Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
collaboration, Final Fantasy XIV Collaboration, and others that I might not
know yet). So, don’t be surprise if you see this logo around, this is the
iconic “Felyne” (yes, it is spelled this way in-game) comrade that the game
has, starting from Monster Hunter 4 the Felyne comrade is called as Palico(es).
Picture taken from redbubble.com, designed by user
As an old fan
of Monster Hunter, knowing that World was going to be released on the PC was
the greatest news I have ever heard in my entire gaming life so far. I started
off playing my first Monster Hunter game when I was in junior high, it was on
my old PlayStation 2. The game was introduced to me when I saw a friend playing
his PSP at school, I looked at the game and asked him “What is that game?”, back
then he was playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite when it was just released on
PSP in 2009, however he simply answered to me, “Monster Hunter”. That was the
start of my monster hunting journey, 10 years of hunting experience (600+ hours
on Freedom Unite, 300+ hours on Portable 3rd if not mistaken, and
300+ hours on World). I think I am eligible enough to state my personal point
of view and information for those of you who plan to buy Monster Hunter World
but are still worried if it is worth it. Believe me, it is.
My character in Monster
Hunter World, with over 300+ hours of gaming now. I play on PC platform.
World is
similar to any other Monster Hunter game, it emphasizes on its “grinding”
gameplay. Now, this might be the most tedious or on the contrary the most
rewarding technicality that the game has. To make matter simpler, the gameplay
equals to take quest, hunt, finish hunt, collect rewards, build and upgrade
weapons and armors (there are more than just weapons and armors but you get the
idea), and repeat the whole cycle. This might seem tedious and boring, however,
what exciting about Monster Hunter is their reward system and amazing
replayability at the end of the game. On top of that, thanks to the numerous
free updates, it simply keeps the game alive and never runs out of new content.
I will try to share as much useful information for you guys without spoiling
the game’s story. We are going to talk about the gameplay breakdown, the type
of weapons, and finally the type of monsters.
Character Creation
So first, at
the start of the game, players are asked to create their own character which
will be used throughout the entire game. This feature has been introduced from
the very first Monster Hunter game and it has been like this in every game
(except for Monster Hunter Poka Poka Airu Village, developed by FromSoftware,
aye, the game that brought you Dark Souls now brought you cute cats that can
cook and fight monsters, and Monster Hunter Story, what in the freaking world
Capcom was thinking by developing this one). Similarly to most action RPG
games, this feature is the most fundamental and an everybody-is-used-to
feature. Selecting genders, tweaking facial features and overall body size are
all part of the character creation. Apart from creating and designing our
character, Monster Hunter World also allows player to create and customize
their palico based on what players thought would be purrrfectly suitable.
Character creation and adjustment
Monster Hunter
does not have the attribute system for our character to be upgraded, it doesn’t
have leveling up feature for our character to get stronger too like other
traditional RPG games. Instead, it relies on the weapons for damage and armors
for defense. Meaning, everyone starts off with lower damage weapons and lower
defense armors. As they progress, we can upgrade our weapons and armors to
become stronger, this is equal to upgrading our character. That means, as you
progress further it is necessary to upgrade or to change both your weapons and
Just like the
previous Monster Hunter games, World offers the possibilities for players to
engage in multiplayer experience. Players are required to use internet
connection to play the online multiplayer. Traditionally, Monster Hunter allows
up to 4 players in a quest of hunting monsters. It is important to keep in mind
that World requires a full-time internet connection to play. Well, you can play
without connecting internet but your Steam achievement (if you are playing on
the PC) won’t be recorded, so I suggest you keep playing with your internet
connection on. One thing that is amazing about Monster Hunter is that it is
possible to beat the game by soloing your way all through the game. But, it is
always a fun experience to call your fellow hunters to join in on a quest to
capture or to slay the good old Rathalos (For those who are not familiar with
what Rathalos is, Rathalos is a type of wyvern that you will encounter in the
game, it has been Monster Hunter’s flagship ever since the first game in 2004,
check out the big picture at the very top of this article, that’s Rathalos).
Anyways, Monster Hunter World introduces the SOS system for the online
multiplayer gameplay, this feature opens opportunity for players to hop in on
an SOS quest for players who are facing difficulty hunting. Players are able to
fire an SOS flare and just wait for reinforcement to join the hunt. So, go on
hunt solo and fire the flare whenever you feel it’s necessary.
Weapon Types
In World,
players are introduced to all 14 returning weapon types, 11 melee weapons and 3
ranged weapons, those are, the long sword (my all time favorite), the great
sword, dual blades, sword and shield, switch axe, charge blade, hammer, hunting
horn, lance, gunlance, insect glaive for the melee weapons, bow, light bowgun,
and finally heavy bowgun for the ranged weapon. For veteran players, all
weapons have similar move set as previous series, with additional new
combo/attack maneuver. For players who are new to Monster Hunter, fret not, the
game provides training ground and offers a list of move set for all players to
choose their hunting weapon that suits their playstyle.
All 14 weapon types
So far, I have
played Monster Hunter (2004), Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Monster Hunter Freedom
Unite, Monster Hunter 3 (Wii), Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, and
finally Monster Hunter World. I think, Monster Hunter World distribute the
strength and weakness of each weapon type equally. In other words, each weapon
has their own uniqueness which will make you want to try them out as you
progress further in the game. This is one of the amazing gameplay Monster
Hunter World provides, despite the grinding, players are given the option to
step out of their comfort zone and to try different role in each quest they
take by changing their weapon type. On top of that, since the distribution of
the weapons’ strengths are equal, it is the main reason that allows players to
solo all monsters in the game. However, I only recommend this for veteran
players as going solo on tough monsters usually will take longer time but man,
the pride…
Pink Rathian encounter
The Monsters
Next up, I am
going to talk about the overview of what kind of “enemies” you are going to
face in Monster Hunter. Well, the title says it all, you are going to hunt
monsters. But, just what kind of monsters you are going to hunt. Monster Hunter
always has this immersive feeling that lets player assume the role of a hunter
and at the same time as a nature enthusiast who is hunting either for pride or
for the sake of balanced ecosystem. In World, there are the introduction of new
monsters most notably the Great Jagras (a type of giant four-legged lizard) and
Anjanath (a t-rex like monster) which feature a lot on the gameplay trailer.
There are also the returning old monsters such as the afore mentioned Rathalos,
Rathian (the female counterpart of Rathalos), the aptonoth (the innocent
herbivore which always become the victim of all carnivores), and other monsters
that I don’t want to spoil for you guys veteran players.
An encounter with Anjanath
Now, Monster Hunter has this habit of classifying types of monsters for hunters to hunt and to study the behavior of the monsters through their hunter notes. I am going to talk about the most basic monster classification first, those are the small monsters and the large monsters. The small monsters consist of all those monsters that will not pose as great threat to you, they are there simply because you need some of their materials to create certain armors or weapons, or you simply need their meat to be cooked. The large monsters are the real objectives in the game, they are the ones you need to hunt in order to complete the quest. This includes the Rathalos, the Great Jagras and the Anjanath that I mentioned before, they are all large monsters.
make matter more specific, the large monsters are divided into 6 types of
monsters, those are the bird wyvern, fanged wyvern, brute wyvern, piscine
wyvern, flying wyvern, and finally the elder dragon. Although some monsters
don’t actually look like a wyvern (some are actually fish some like dinosaurs)
but that’s just how Monster Hunter classifies their monsters. Each monster in
World has unique interaction to different environment. Another new feature
which I found really really cool, that is the “turf war”. In previous Monster
Hunter games, the encounter of one large monster with another large monster is
normal. They will try to attack hunter while at the same time hitting each
other unintentionally, there was never a real fight between monsters until
World. When certain monsters encounter each other, the game will automatically
be engaged in a turf war where a special animation occurs. For example,
Rathalos and Anjanath will engage in a turf war when they happen to encounter
each other. Turf war occurs only on certain combination of monsters, it deals
damage to the losing monster or both monsters will end up in a tie, inflicting
damage to each other. Not only this acts as a cool immersive wildlife
experience, this also comes in handy when it comes to damage output veteran
players want to cause. Win – win!
Not all monsters will engage in turf war but they will still attack each other!
A turf war between Diablos and Black Diablos
summarize, Monster Hunter World is so far the best game I have ever played, and
I think it’s one of those best game in 2018. Capcom has made the right decision
in bringing the game to global players, no more region restriction, no more
handheld platform exclusive, we are talking about major installment of the series.
The game has the core elements of classic RPG game which are the progress of
the character that we play, and the unique playstyles offered to players. I can
see Capcom’s effort in really trying to gather as many players all around the
globe, they provide full in-game tutorials which are very newbie friendly, they
provide fresh new stories which is also newbie friendly and at the same bringing
a whole new hunting experiences for veteran Monster Hunter players. The number
of monsters in the game is cannot be compared to Monster Hunter Generations
Ultimate (having a total number of approximately 125 monsters, small and large monsters
included), however the uniqueness Capcom designed for each monster in World brings
about the most immersive Monster Hunter game I have played so far. The game is
currently on their first year since its released and I can tell you this game
will be alive for several years thanks to the free updates and constant maintenance
by Capcom. They really know how to keep this game as lively as it could. The
free updates are amazing, a lot of awesome collaboration, from acquiring Dante’s
skin from Devil May Cry to playing as Geralt in collaboration of The Witcher 3.
And it is all free! Talk about free, there are paid content but those are all cosmetic
items that have no effect on changing the gameplay other than eye candy.

Also, Monster Hunter Iceborne has come out, it is the first expansion pack for World, it brings along new monsters and returning monsters, it adds new hunting locations and new weapons and armors and a lot more that I might not want to cover in this conclusion. For your information, Iceborne is not free, it is a paid expansion pack, but I assure you it is worth the price.

The Witcher 3 collaboration as part of the free update
Also, Monster Hunter Iceborne has come out, it is the first expansion pack for World, it brings along new monsters and returning monsters, it adds new hunting locations and new weapons and armors and a lot more that I might not want to cover in this conclusion. For your information, Iceborne is not free, it is a paid expansion pack, but I assure you it is worth the price.
Image taken from fanatical.com
Monster Hunter World Iceborne was released on September 6th 2019 on PS4 and Xbox One, January 9th 2020 for PC.
there we go, I hope I have covered the information that you guys need to assure
yourself whether or not to buy or not buy Monster Hunter World. The game takes
time and dedication but in the end it will all be worth it. Plus, the game can
go up to 50% discount on steam, so it’s really really worth to try. See you in
the hunting ground, fellow hunters.
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